Tip for viewing the videos.

Videos take a few minutes to download. You can view them immediately, but the viewing may be briefly interrupted if the downloading is slower than the viewing.

To avoid this wait a couple of minutes, make a cup of tea, poor yourself a glass of wine or make some popcorn while the video downloads and then watch the videos without interruptions.


1. Daar Komen Ze! (They're coming!)

A documentary about carnival in Maastricht where a tradition provides people with the permission and opportunity to enter a state of JOY.

Music, parades, dressing up, a 'mock ruler' (Prince Carnival) and rituals, such as the firing of the Momus canon to signal the official start of carnival, are all designed to help people transition from regular life to a state of joy.

Filmed in 2007, Maastricht, Netherlands by Marcel Baaijens.

TRT 5 minutes.

2. H20

H20 intimately documents people seeking transformation of their state of wellbeing by ritualistically washing themselves and drinking spring water.

The slow and unfocussed nature of the footage gives the video a trans-like quality as if time slowed down. Spoken words have been left untranslated to let them become part of the soundscape, which holds subtle clues of the location where this daily ritual takes place.

Marcel Baaijens, 2006. Shortened web version;TRT 4:30 minutes.
PS: The 'jumpshot style' is intentional and not the result of poor compression.

3.a. Days Passed Don't Return (Eng)

A short documentary about an encounter with an old man along the ancient pilgrims route of El Camino De Santiago, Spain
(St. James' Way).

By Marcel Baaijens.
Duration 2:46 minutes.
Spanish with English subtitles

3.b. Días Pasados No Vuelven (Es)

4. Searching for Silent Night

Silent Night is often the first carol played at the start of midnight mass at Christmas. The transition from one of the bussiest times in the year to one of the most peaceful moments of the year. This video searches for the carol in the streets of Vienna. When the carol is found it is anything but silent.

By Marcel Baaijens, 2006.

TRT: 14 minutes

It may take a while to download this large file.

5. Sung 'Khor-Tibetan Amulets

A short documentary of a Tibetan lama transforming paper, thread and herbs into traditional Tibetan amulets.

6. Deens Deuntje

Dutch (for English see below):

Volksmuziek en folklore worden in Nederland vaak als oudbollige rariteiten beschouwd die geen plaats meer hebben in de kultuur van de hedendaagse samenleving. Op speciale gelegenheden wordt dit onderdeel van de kultuur uit de kast gehaald en gevierd met passie of het nou perfect is of niet. Is het echt of slechts toneel?

Attributen zoals klederdracht werken als een masker dat de muziekanten in staat stelt zich over te geven aan de essentie van de muziek en zang. Het verkleden is als het ware een ritueel dat de transformatie van het hedendaagse naar het verleden mogelijk en acceptabel maakt voor de muziekanten en het publiek. Wanneer het acceptabel is kan van de voorstelling zonder remmingen genoten worden.

Dit deense deuntje is gekozen voor deze video op verzoek van de muziekanten. Een ander nederlands lied dat de muziekanten speelden zal in m’n film verwerkt worden.


Folk music and folklore are often regarded in The Netherlands as old fashioned curios which no longer have a place in contemporary society. At special occasions this part of the culture is being showcased and celebrated with passion, regardless of the quality of the performance. Is this for real or just show?

Attributes such as traditional costumes act like a masks, enabling the musicians to surrender to the essence of the music and songs. The dressing-up is like a ritual that aids the transition to a culture that is no longer alive. It makes it acceptable for both the performers and the audience. Once it is acceptable it can be enjoyed without reservation.

This Danish tune was chosen for this video on request of the musicians. A Dutch tune they also performed will feature in the film I am working on.

8. Sit Dancing

A 4 minute documentary made by TVNZ about sit dancing, a dance programme I created.

7. Pilgrimage 1

TRT: 2minutes
Filmed in Lumbini Nepal and Foxton, New Zealand.
Please watch this video with a headset to get all the nuances of the sound.